Early Western Civilization

Traces the development of western civilization in 20 year time periods from 1050 to the present, in Europe and the New World.

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January 10, 2007

can western civilization be saved?

Bearing in mind that the rulers of other civilizations maintain blatantly exclusive policies in relation to the rest of the world - without them they would not survive - it is a constant source of amazement and amusement to them that western civilization has shot itself in the foot with policies designed to include all cultures and creeds.

In view of the increasing decadence of western civilization, perhaps a better question would be 'is western civilization worth saving?' However, if what remains of traditional western civilization is deemed worthy of saving - in its white, Christian and democratic form - then an approach similar to, and probably as brutal as, that adopted by Adolf Hitler would need to be taken. Since nobody is likely to be doing anything as drastic as that within our lifetime, western civilization will necessarily continue to decline.

To save what remains of traditional western civilization, a stand would need to be taken by a future western government against all measures taken last century. Globalization, extensive welfare, open immigration and racial, cultural and religious diversity would need to be halted. Western governments would need to be replaced by the type of governments that closed cultures espouse in respect of:

prohibiting immigration and dual-citizenship;
abolishing welfare;
repatriating non citizens;
creating full employment;
protecting primary and secondary industries;
withdrawing from global involvements;
curbing government and corporate excesses; and
promoting racial, cultural and religious homogeneity.

In the new multi-racial and multi-cultural western nations anyone holding such radical views would have a hard time expressing them in private let alone promoting them in a political arena. He or she would be branded as a dangerous racist or a rabid reactionary and be jailed or murdered. But already halting steps are being taken to implement such measures.

There are some concerned westerners who claim that if the white race does not take a stand to protect what remains of its civilization, then another civilization will most certainly make that stand in its favor when it takes over - and that scenario is well and truly on the cards.

The Islamic nations make no secret of the fact that they expect Islam to one day rule the world - and they actively support the spread of Islam and the destabilization of western culture within western nations by the agents of Islam that the western nations accepted as refugees.

However, by sheer numbers, without even trying, the eastern nations of China or India are far more likely to inherit the lands that formerly cradled western civilization.

In the long-term - if no heroic white knight figure emerges to save the Anglo-Celtic white race from extinction - western civilization by the end of the 21st century will be supplanted by either the Chinese or the Hindu civilization.

But, paradoxically, all will not be lost!

Because of the innate preference in those cultures for 'whiteness', what was bred out during the 21st century will be selectively bred-in during the 22nd century, resulting in a new superior white race similar to the one envisioned by Hitler.

This race may not speak English, hold Christian values or have any ties whatsoever with Europe, but the power invested in it by its Chinese and Indian ancestors will be greater than anything hitherto known.

If being 'western' means being 'white', then natural selection by non-white populations assures white supremacy. If being 'western' means holding Christian beliefs, then by the sheer numbers of immigrants holding other beliefs it will cease to be believable. If being 'western' means being European, then by the sheer numbers of non-Europeans in Europe it will cease to have any meaning. If being 'western' means espousing democracy, then by the sheer numbers of immigrants raised under other forms of government it will cease to be workable.

Therefore, the only aspect of western civilization that can be saved - or is worthy of being saved - is a white skin!

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