Early Western Civilization

Traces the development of western civilization in 20 year time periods from 1050 to the present, in Europe and the New World.

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March 02, 2007

germanic reformation and nationalism

In 1454, a year after the Moslem Turks captured the eastern Christian city of Constantinople, a German, Gutenberg, invented the printing press that allowed the Dutchman, Erasmus (born 1466) to spread humanism throughout northern Europe and another German, Martin Luther, (born 1483) to lead the Protestant Reformation against the diabolically corrupt and cruel Roman Catholic Church under the power of Niccolo Machiavelli (b.1469) and the 1478 Spanish inquisition.

Western civilization, as we know it today, was emerging from the Dark Ages and fittingly it was from the Germanic people that the Protestant movement arose because it was their leaders who had almost 1,000 years earlier made a pact with the Greek-Syrian Pope in Rome to suppress all Europe under Catholicism in return for kingdoms and wealth.

In 1492 Columbus discovered America, and religious issues were put on the backburner for most of the next two hundred years as the various states of Europe asserted their nationalism and battled each other for land rights in the new world -- the little nation of Protestant England, quite unexpectedly, coming out on top.

In 1683 the Siege of Vienna by Ottoman Turks reminded Europe that Christianity was not the only religion in the world, but by then the Christians of Europe were irretrievably divided by the Reformation and Nationalism, and an industrial revolution was underway which would push the Protestant north and the Catholic south of Europe even further apart.

During the 1700s, the Protestant north of Europe powered ahead economically while the Catholic south languished. Because the Northerners were predominantly white skinned, blond haired and blue-eyed and the Southerners were predominantly olive skinned, black haired and brown-eyed, the notion of White Supremacy and the Protestant Work Ethic also emerged about this time but it was not until the 20th century that it took on sinister connotations.

The vibrant British colony of America freed itself from its motherland in 1776 and the oppressed French peasants overthrew their monarchy in 1789. By the early 1900s, people power came to the fore in the new ideology of communism -- thought up by two German Jewish intellectuals, Marx and Engels -- and spread in popularity among the terribly oppressed people of Russia and China who overthrew their ruling dynasties and started an internationalist movement that became so threatening to both the Protestant and Catholic states that they finally stopped fighting each other and joined forces, expending a whole century in an effort to defeat it.

In addition to fighting each other and communism, the western Christian nations were also fighting independence movements within their colonies and territories, all of which caused a massive movement of diverse people and religions into Europe and America.

At this stage the parallels between what is happening today and what happened 2,000 years ago -- when early western civilization had yet to be conceived -- need to be made plain.

Like the early Christians flocked to Rome from impoverished Greece and Syria, looking for work, a better life and new converts, so did the Moslems from impoverished Algeria, Egypt, Turkey and Palestine flock to Europe.

Like the early Christians were led by prominent and wealthy Jews from Judea -- such as Peter, a disciple of Jesus, who became the first Bishop of Rome -- so were the Moslems led by prominent and wealthy Middle Eastern Arabs.

Like the early Christians living in Pagan Rome were branded as trouble-makers for railing against the barbaric practices of the Pagans, so were the Moslems living in Christian Europe branded as trouble-makers for railing against the barbaric practices of the Christians.

Like the early Christians in Rome had both moderate and extremist elements, the Moslems in Europe have both moderate and extremist elements.

Like all of the early Christians were tarnished as terrorists for causing the Great Fire of Rome in 64, all of the Moslems were tarnished for 9/11 in 2001.

Like the early Christians living in Pagan Rome were then persecuted, the Moslems living in Christian countries were then persecuted.

Like the early Christians in Rome hated the Pagan Romans as much as the Jews of Judea did and supported each other in their tribulations, so the Moslems in Europe hated the Christian West as much as the Arabs did and supported each other in their tribulations.

Like the Christians in Rome supported the uprising of their Judaen brothers against Roman rule in 66 (and later in 131, which started the Diaspora), so the Moslems of Europe supported the uprising of their Moslem brothers against the American invasion of Iraq in 2003,

Like the Christians in Rome multiplied their numbers and grew stronger -- accepting the Jews of the Diaspora into their flocks after 131, repelling all attempts to make them assimilate into the Roman culture and eventually converting the Emperor Constantine in 330 -- so the Moslems of Europe will eventually achieve a similar outcome by 2267 and then the wheel would have turned full circle because the Roman Empire upon which early western civilization was based was never white but ethnically Middle Eastern.

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